Mae ceisiadau ar lein ar gyfer lle yn yr ysgol Uwchradd yn awr ar agor, tan y 4ydd o Dachwedd. Os ydych angen copi papur, gallwch ebostio, neu ffoniwch 01978 298991. Mae angen anfon y ffurflenni cais i’r cyfeiriad a nodir ar y ffurflen yn hytrach na’r ysgol. Mae gwybodaeth hefyd am wneud ceisiadau i’r dosbarthiadau derbyn/ meithrin ar gyfer Medi 2025..
You are now able to submit applications via the on line service until the 4th of November. If you wish to submit a paper application, please contact school admissions on 01978 298991 or email Please could you send the applications directly to the Local Authority admissions service. There are also details on how to apply for a nursery/ reception place for September 2025.