Presenoldeb/ Attendance

Fel y gwyddoch, mae presenoldeb a phrydlondeb disgyblion yn allweddol o bwysig i lwyddiant ac i hapusrwydd plentyn. Ein targed presenoldeb yw 95%. Ar gyfer yr hanner tymor cyntaf 92.1% oedd canran presenoldeb yr ysgol. Mae nifer o ddisgyblion yn cyrraedd yn hwyr i’r ysgol, sy’n cael effaith hefyd ar ganran ein presenoldeb. Mae disgyblion y Cyngor Ysgol wedi cyfrannu i greu pamffledyn sy’n dangos pam fod presenoldeb da mor bwysig. Yr ydym wedi atodi’r pamffledyn. Diolch i chi am eich cefnogaeth.
As you are aware, attendance and punctuality is vital for pupils success and happiness at school. Our target as a school is 95%. For the first half term, our attendance was 92.1%. A significant number of pupils are also late coming to school which has an impact on our attendance percentage. Members of the school council have contributed to create a pamphlet to show why good attendance is so important for pupils. We have attached the pamphlet. Thank you for your support.