Annwyl rieni a gofalwyr
Rydym wrthi yn gweithio hefo sir Wrecsam i drefnu gweithgareddau teulu, cyrsiau a chefnogaeth i rieni a’u plant yn yr ysgol. Os fedrwch gwblhau’r holiadur i weld beth sydd o ddiddordeb gennych. Mae’r cynnig yn agored i’r teulu cyfan gan gynnwys Neiniau a Theidiau. Croeso i bawb ymateb.
Cymraeg –
Dear parents and carers
We are working alongside Wrexham county to arrange family activities ,courses and support for our families. In order to tailor courses to your needs and interests we would be grateful if you could fill out the questionnaire to help us plan. The offer is open to the whole family including Nannies and Grandads. Please feel free to respond.
English Form –
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