Llongyfarchiadau mawr i bawb am gystadlu mor wych yn yr Eisteddfod Dydd Sadwrn. Diolch i’r staff am hyfforddi’r plant ac i’r disgyblion ymroddgar. Pob hwyl i’r cyflwyniad dramatig yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yn ystod gwyliau hanner tymor Mis Mai. Nid ydym eto wedi derbyn gwybodaeth pa ddiwrnod bydd y plant yn cystadlu.
Nid oes clwb canu nos yfory.
Congratulations to all pupils who represented the school in the County Eisteddfod on Saturday. Thank you to the staff and pupils for their hard work. All the best to the dramatic presentation which will go on to the National Eisteddfod during the next half term holiday. We have not as yet received confirmation what day the competition will take place.
There will not be a singing club tomorrow.