Ein Hysgol Ni
Ysgol cyfrwng Gymraeg, Gwirfoddol Reoledig yw Ysgol Tremeirchion, a chafodd ei sefydlu yn 1765 ar safle’r Hen Ysgol gyferbyn ar Eglwys. Cafodd yr adeilad presennol ei adeiladu yn 1865 a’r drysau yn agor i’r disgyblion ar Mehefin 24 1866. Bu estyniad newydd yn 2003.
Mae nifer o’r plant yn dod o aelwyd Gymraeg gyda’r gweddill o gartrefi dwyieithog neu uniaith Saesneg. Mae’r rhieni a’r plant yn gefnogol iawn o’r iaith a’r addysg Gyfrwng Gymraeg. Rydym hefyd yn ysgol Eglwys ac mae perthynas agos iawn rhwng yr ysgol a’r Eglwys. Derbyniwn blant i’r dosbarth Meithrin yn y flwyddyn academaidd pan fyddant yn cyrraedd 3 oed. Rydym yn cynnal addysg i blant meithrin yn y bore, a thrwy gydweithio âr Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin, yn medru cynnig sesiwn pnawn i’r Cylch Meithrin yn yr Hen Ysgol. Cymraeg yw iaith holl addysg y plant a chyflwynir Saesneg fel pwnc i’r plant ym mlwyddyn 3.
Yn ystod 2015-2016 roedd 61 o ddisgyblion a hyn yn cynnwys 13 o blant meithrin. Eleni, 2016-2017 mae ein niferoedd wedi codi i 70 o blant ar ein cofrestr, a hyn yn cynnwys 11 o ddisgyblion meithrin.
Presenoldeb 2014/15 oedd 96.5%.
Presenoldeb 2015/16 oedd 96.8%
Adeilad yr Ysgol
Mae’r ysgol wedi ei rannu i 4 dosbarth. Yr hen adeilad gwreiddiol sy’n cynnal dosbarthiadau’r Cyfnod Sylfaen, sef ein dosbarth meithrin i blwyddyn 2. Adnabyddir yr ystafelloedd fel Ystafell yr Hafod a’r Hendre. Mae yna hefyd ddosbarth /ardal tu allan i’r Cyfnod Sylfaen. Yn 2010 cawsom fynediad newydd sbon yn nosbarth meithrin a derbyn er mwyn hwyluso defnydd y disgyblion yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen âr ardal tu allan.
Yn yr estyniad adeiladwyd yn 2003 mae dosbarthiadau Cyfnod Allweddol 2 gyda blwyddyn 3 a 4 yn cofrestru yn Ystafell y Llan a blwyddyn 5 a 6 yn Ystafell y Graig. Y disgyblion ddewisodd enwau’r ystafelloedd drwy bori ar fapiau lleol a sylweddoli bod enwau fel hafod, hendre, llan a graig yn codi yn aml o fewn tafliad carreg o’r ysgol.
Mae gennym gae bendigedig ar gyfer pob math o weithgareddau amser egwyl ac amser cinio ac ar gyfer Addysg Gorfforol. Cawsom barc antur; ‘y jyngl gym’ yn 2009. Mae’r cae hefyd yn gae cymunedol y tu allan i oriau yr ysgol. Cynllun diweddar oedd adnewyddu’r ‘Caban’. Rhaid diolch i CRhA yr ysgol am drefnu gweithgareddau i godi arian i wneud hyn, ac i rieni, plant, staff yr ysgol, y gymuned lleol, a ffrindiau’r ysgol am eu cyfraniad nhw i llwyddiant y cynllyn. Rydym yn ffodus iawn hefyd am y golygfeydd gogoneddus ar draws Dyffryn Clwyd tuag at mynyddoedd Eryri a’r arfordir i’r gogledd sydd yn werth eu gweld.
Our School
Ysgol Tremeirchion is a Welsh Medium, Voluntary Controlled School which was established in 1765 on the site of the Old School opposite the Church. The current building was erected in 1865 with the doors opening for children on June 24th 1866. A new extension was build in 2003.
A number of pupils come from Welsh speaking households with the reminder from either bilingual or English speaking homes. Our parents and pupils are very supportive of the language and Welsh Medium Education. We are also a Church School and there is a very close relationship between the Church and the School. We accept children into our Meithrin class in the academic year when they reach 3 years old. We provide education for pupils in the Meithrin class in the morning, and through Mudiad Meithrin, can provide afternoon sessions in Cylch Meithrin in the Old School. Welsh is the educational language of the school and English is introduced as a subject to the children in Year 3.
During 2015 -2016 our pupil numbers were 61 which included 13 nursery children. This year, 2016 -2017 we have increased to 70 pupils on our register, which includes 11 nursery pupils.
Attendance 2014/15 was 96.5%
Attendance 2015/16 was 96.8%.
The School Building
The school consists of 4 classrooms. The original building is where we hold our Foundation Phase classes, that is, nursery, reception. years 1 and 2. The rooms are known as Ystafell Hafod ( Summer dwelling) and Hendre (Winter dwelling). There is also a classroom/outside area for the Foundation Phase. In 2010 a new entrance was build to enable pupils in the Foundation Phase to access the outside area.
In the extension built in 2003 we have our Key Stage 2 classrooms with years 3 and 4 registering in Ystafell y Llan (Llan being a Welsh word for Church) and Years 5 and 6 in Ystafell y Graig ( Welsh word for Rock). The pupils chose the names after browsing over local maps and realising that names such as hafod, hendre, llan and graig were all within a stones throw from the school.
We have excellent grounds for all sorts of activities during break and lunchtime and for Physical Education. An adventure area, the ‘jungle gym’ was built in 2009. The field is also a community area outside the school hours. A recent project was to upgrade the ‘Caban’. We have to thank the PTA for organising events to raise funds to enable this to happen, and to parents, staff, the local community, and friends of the school for their contribution to the success of the project. We are very fortunate to have glorious views across the Vale of Clwyd towards the mountains of Snowdonia and the coastline to the north that are worth seeing.