Achosion positif – Nid yw’r orfodol yn gyfreithiol i staff nac i ddisgyblion ynysu pe byddent yn bositif o’r 28ain o Fawrth, ond y cyngor gan Lywodraeth Cymru yw i unigolion i barhau i ynysu os ydynt yn profi’n bositif. Yr ydym wedi derbyn ebost gan y Sir yn cynghori ysgolion i barhau gyda’r trefniadau hunan ynysu sy’n bodoli ar hyn o bryd – os oes gan staff neu un o’r disgyblion symptomau neu’n profi’n bostif, bydd angen iddynt aros adref. Mae’r Sir yn aros am ganllawiau pellach i ysgolion, ac y byddwn yn eich hysbysu o unrhyw newid.
Positive Cases – In terms of staff or pupils isolating if they test positive, whilst nobody will be legally obliged to self-isolate from 28th March, this will move into guidance and Welsh Government have stated that they recommend a cautious approach, and strongly advise people to isolate when they are ill or test positive. Welsh Government guidance for schools has not yet been updated. Therefore, in the absence of updated guidance, we have received an email from the County informing schools to continue with the current approaches. This includes the requirement that staff and pupils who are displaying any symptoms of illness or test positive to not come into school. We will update you should this advice change.