Gobeithio i chi gael pasg ymlaciol, mae’n hyfryd gweld yr holl ddisgyblion yn ôl. I’ch atgoffa, mae posib gollwng disgyblion o 8:45 tan 8:55.(Dosbarth Meithrin, 8:55-9:00) Os nad yw eich plentyn wedi bwcio i fewn i’r clwb brecwast nid oes staff yn goruchwylio’r disgyblion tan 8:45.
We hope you had a lovely Easter break, it’s lovely to welcome the pupils back. To remind you, the drop off times in the morning are between 8:45 and 8:55. (Nursery pupils, 8:55-9:00) Unless pupils have booked for the breakfast club the staff are not on duty until 8:45.