Ail bostio holiadur nosweithiau rhieni/ Repost the parents evening questionnaire

**Rydym yn ail bostio’r neges ddoe am yr holiadur nosweithiau rhieni. Diolch i’r sawl ohonoch lenwodd y ffurflen ddoe. Yn anffodus, nid oes gennym y canlyniadau felly os wnaethoch lenwi, a fedrech chi ail lenwi’r ffurflen? Diolch yn fawr ac ymddiheuriadau am hyn**
**We have reposted the message which was sent yesterday regarding the parents evening questionnaire. Thank you to those of you who filled the form, unfortunately we do not have the results, therefore could you please fill the form which is attached? Thank you and we apologise for the inconvenience**

Cafwyd nosweithiau rhieni dros fideo ar y 10fed ar 11eg o Fai. Hoffwn glywed sut brofiad cawsoch chi, beth oedd yn gweithio a beth allwn wneud i wella’r broses. Diolch am eich adborth. We held parents evenings through video call on the 10th and 11th of May. We would apprecciate your feedback in terms of what worked well for your family, and what we could do to improve the experience. Thank you for your feedback.
Cafwyd nosweithiau rhieni dros fideo ar y 10fed ar 11eg o Fai. Hoffwn glywed sut brofiad cawsoch chi, beth oedd yn gweithio a beth allwn wneud i wella’r broses. Diolch am eich adborth. We held parents evenings through video call on the 10th and 11th of May. We would apprecciate your feedback in terms of what worked well for your family, and what we could do to improve the experience. Thank you for your feedback.